Official Tourist Information Site of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia

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Panorama di gattatico
The town has its Town Hall in the district of Praticello where the "Museo Cervi" (Cervi Museum) is situated. It has been set up in the country house where the 7 Cervi brothers were arrested in November 1943, then to be shot by the Nazis on 28 November 1943 for having organized the first cells of the Resistance in the Reggio Emilia area.


Post Code 42043
Weekly Market Day: Thursday in Praticello
Outlying Villages: Praticello (where Town Hall situated), Olmo, Nocetolo , Ponte Enza, Gattatico, Taneto, Fiesso

m 34
5.846 update December, 31 2009
How to get there:
A1 motorway exit in Reggio Emilia, main road No. 9 Via Emilia until Sant'Ilario d'Enza, secondary road No. 38 Sant'Ilario-Gattatico - Sorbolo
TEP bus from/to Parma, via Gattatico-Sant'Ilario d'Enza.
Distance from Reggio Emilia: 24 km
Tourist information:
0039/522/477911 - Municipality
Useful links:
All files of Gattatico

Gattatico takes its name from the district in which the local council was based up to 1872. The Town Hall was then transferred to Praticello, chosen as its political and administrative headquartersbecause of its central position within the area as a whole. There is a long history of human settlement in this locality, first having been inhabited by the Cenomanic Gauls and then by the Romans who founded Tannetum here, an important centre particularly during the Augustan period. During the High Middle Ages significant land reclamation works were carried out, often using prisoners ("Captati") for the labour. "Captati" was the origin for the present-day name Gattatico. Having been described with the names of "Farnese", "Sforzesca", "Papale, "Francese" and "Austriaca", the town was given the status of "Comune" (local council) in 1805 and in 1853 it formally became part of the Diocese of Reggio Emilia.

The following events represent the most important of the various celebrations taking place in Gattatico over the year: the Fair of San Matteo celebrated in Praticello in the last third of September including the holding of various events with a cultural, folk and sporting emphasis, the Beffana (Epiphany) on 6 January, Carnival (held during February), the national liberation day of 25 April celebrated with ceremonies and shows and other initiatives of some importance – normally held at the Museo Cervi; the international Cycle Race of 1 May called the "Trofeo Papā Cervi" organised by the Gattatico Cycling Club; the Non-Stop Pratticio Rock concert organised by the "Centro Govani" (Youth Centre) and Pro Loco at the beginning of July, the "Museo Sotto le Stelle" (Museum under the Stars) musical and theatrical events always held at the Museo Cervi in July; the "Festa del Grano" (Harvest Festival) held in August in the Olmo district, organised by the local Acli Club; The Choral Singing Festival held in the "Centro Polivalente" (Multifunctional centre) in December organised by the "Amici della Musica" Association.

Last update: 04/08/2010
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