Official Tourist Information Site of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia

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The Town of Vezzano sul Crostolo is situated in the hills of Reggio Emilia, near the spot where Crostolo River flows onto the plains. The town lies along National Road 63, 14 kilometres from Reggio Emilia.


Postal code: 42030
Open-air market held on Wednesdays
Feast of San Martino, Patron Saint of Vezzano sul Crostolo, November 11
Outlying villages: La Vecchia, Montalto, Paderna, Pecorile, and Sedrio

m 162
4,294 updated to December, 31 2009
How to get there:
Distance from Reggio Emilia: 14 km. When coming from Reggio Emilia, take National Road SS 63 travelling in the direction of Castelnovo né Monti and Passo del Cerreto.
Tourist information:
Town Hall 0522 601911; Fax 0522 606191
Useful links:
All files of Vezzano sul Crostolo


The origin of the town of Vezzano dates back to the Dark Ages. The Romans had built various rural homes called "domus" in the territory. During the Middle Ages, Vezzano was an important fortified stronghold for the control of roads leading to and from the Apennine Mountains. The town was annexed to the Duchy of Este in 1420. The present free comune was formed by decree of Luigi Carlo Farini on 1 January 1860. The name of the town was initially Vezzano, and in 1862 "sul Crostolo" was added. In the past, in addition to being an important junction between major roads, Vezzano was characterised by the presence of large gypsum deposits, and the majority of the population was employed in quarrying and processing gypsum from the pits. There are still several "tower houses" from the 15th century in the old town of Vezzano and its outlying villages.

Last update: 03/08/2010
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