Official Tourist Information Site of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia

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Panoramica Comune Reggiolo
The town of Reggiolo is situated along the Po River, 29 kilometres from Reggio Emilia


Postal code: 42046
Open-air market held on Fridays
Feast of San Venerio, the Patron Saint of Reggiolo: 7 July
Outlying villages: Brugneto and Villanova

m 20
9.298 update Dicember, 31 2009
How to get there:
Distance from Reggio Emilia: 29 km. Distance from the Reggiolo-Rolo exit of the A22 motor-way: 5 km from Reggio Emilia: Provincial Road SP 5 travelling in the direction of Novellara and Reggiolo.
Public Service transport
Tourist information:
Town Council 0039/522/213724; fax 0039/522/973587
Useful links:
All files of Reggiolo

Reggiolo was first mentioned in a deed signed by the ruling Canossa family in 1044. It was an important river port which was ruled first by the Bonaccolsi family and later by the Gonzaga. Reggiolo remained part of the Gonzaga Duchy until 1631, at which time it became part of Guastalla. In 1748, after the Aquisgrana Peace Treaty, the former Duchy of Guastalla was assigned to the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza, which was governed by the Bourbons. In the meantime, operations to regulate the waters of the Po were completed and small manufacturing industries such as spinning mills and woolen mills sprang up. Reggiolo was annexed to the Duchy of Parma and Modena from 1847 to 1869, at which time it became part of the Kingdom of Italy. Small and medium-sized business and industry currently prevail in Reggiolo, with particular emphasis on the building construction, clothing, metalworking, and chemical sectors.

Last update: 03/08/2010
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