Official Tourist Information Site of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia

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Reggio Emilia


The secret to eating and drinking well.
You can see that there is a tradition of good, simple and wholesome food in the Reggio Emilia area given the many restaurants and trattorias serving eat excellent food whose recipes have been passed down from one generation to the next. The basic ingredients are produce from the land and animals, and this is why it is generally considered "plain food". Its full flavours stem from the need to compensate for the lack of expensive and sophisticated ingredients. Pasta, first and foremost (called fujeda in the local dialect), made with unfermented flour, free-range eggs, a sturdy rolling pin and …"a pair of hands with the right degree of warmth".
Parmigiano Reggiano cheese is well known and distributed throughout Italy and abroad, and is another local product that is found in the famous culinary manuals of the past, commended for its particular properties. According to tradition, the round of cheese must be cut using a special small olive-shaped knife that breaks the blocks up into irregular pieces as this emphasizes its qualities, like its course and granular surface. Balsamic vinegar, a precious element that is prominent in the local food at Reggio, once enriched the dowries of the young brides from noble families. In the past
it was put into bottles for use as medication but its aroma, perfume and sweet yet sour flavour convinced connoisseurs that it was a choice ingredient for use in the kitchen. It is customary here to combine traditional sightseeing with delicious and fortifying gastronomic stopovers, so here follows a taste of some of the most traditional food from the province of Reggio Emilia…that can stand the test of any palate!


Last update: 22/02/2011
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