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Notes/Domino 5.0.13 release information available on-line

Detailed information about each release of Notes and Domino 5 may be found on the "Notes/Domino MR/MU Status" page, on the Lotus Developer Domain website. This page outlines the schedule, features, and fixes for both Maintenance Releases (MR), and Maintenance Updates (MU).

Maintenance Releases are regularly scheduled releases that contain software bug fixes and introduce some new features; Maintenance Updates are posted as needed, and contain critical bug fixes. Information about the current R5.0.13 Maintenance Release may be found on the Lotus Developer Domain website at:

The following information is available on the "Notes/Domino MR/MU Status" page.

The release number, estimated release date, and description of the release are listed, along with a numbered status bar showing the current stage in the development cycle of each release.

Latest Fixes
The most recent software bug fixes submitted are shown, with a link to a complete fix list for the current release. Fixes can be sorted by SPR (Software Problem Report) number, technical area (Calendar, Mail, Replication), or date modified.

If applicable, a list of new features proposed for the current release is provided. Please note that any new features listed are provisional, and may be removed prior to the targeted release if they do not pass quality assurance tests.