
06 History of changes
Administrator Client, Client, Designer, Server
New features and enhancements in 5.0.9


Lotus Connector for DB2 2.0
Release 5.0.9 includes the Lotus Connector for DB2 2.0. This version has the following features:

For more information, please see the Lotus Connectors and Connectivity Guide for LEI 3.2 on This version of the Lotus Connectors and Connectivity Guide contains the Lotus Connector for DB2 version 2.0 information.


DOLS Compact/Full Text Search Configuration Settings
DOLS Compact/Full Text Search Configuration Setting allows administrators to turn on and off the Database compaction and full-text search indexing process of their users from within the DOLS configuration form. The default setting will remain "On" as this has been the past behavior. These processes currently occur during the DOLS synchronization process.

DOLS local encryption support
Local encryption of databases within downloaded subscriptions to a DOLS client machine is now supported through new settings within the DOLS configuration document.

Off-line Directory Catalog support
Off-line Directory Catalogs can be utilized for DOLS-enabled applications for directory lookups, addressing, etc. The feature is available through a new settings within the DOLS configuration document.

Domino Upgrade Services (DUS)
The Exchange DUS now includes a "convert mail only" option that allows the DUS to write to an existing Notes mail file, rather than creating a new mail file.

iNotes for Web Access (IWA)
Full Alternative name support for iNotes Web Access
IWA has been enhanced to fully support alternative names, just as Notes/Domino provides ability to set 'Alternate Name' for Notes users in Notes/Domino R5. This ability enables users to use alternate representation as their user names in their native language other than the ordinary Domino primary user name to display user names. Notes R5 provides ability to turn on/off the alternate name display and also provides capability to display the alternate name in many places.  

Name resolution when sending mail
This allows an IWA end-user to check the names of recipients of an e-mail for accuracy before sending with the click of a button. It prevents mail from being misdirected or not received because the recipient's name was misspelled. This provides the similar type of functionality that Notes users have with the type-ahead feature in memo addressing. Lotus has opted not to enable type-ahead addressing in IWA because of performance considerations; however, users can now, with a single click of button, resolve incorrectly spelled names in an address field from a pop-up list of alternatives when no match is found.

Roll back to the HTML file upload/download control if ActiveX controls are not permitted
Some companies restrict the use of ActiveX controls by users for security purposes. IWA leverages an ActiveX control for the file upload/download control. This new feature will allow for the "roll back" to a non-ActiveX control that will still provide users the ability to upload or download file attachments. It will however, not provide some of the drag and drop capabilities that the ActiveX control does, but the basic feature will now be available to users who can't use ActiveX controls.

Support for personal group names
IWA has added the ability for users to create and manage personal groups, similar to the personal groups in the Notes client Personal Address Book. These personal groups are stored in the user's mail file and can be used for all mail and C&S features.

iNotes Access for Microsoft Outlook
Local DB encryption support
Users can now set local encryption of a mail database within the download page.

Off-line Directory Catalog support
Users can now use a company address book ( Domino Directory Catalog) while off-line.

Support for Domino to issue Single Sign-On cookies when authenticating a user name via a DSAPI filter
In R5.0.9, the Single Sign On feature introduced in R5.0.5 has been enhanced to support user authentication using a DSAPI filter. After the DSAPI filter authenticates the user, the Domino server will issue a session token for the user if multi-server session authentication is enabled on the server. For more details on configuring your Domino web server for single sign on, please refer to the Release Note titled "Enabling Single Sign-On for Domino and Websphere".

Notes URL Support
The Notes URL (notes://) allows a web page developer to add links to Notes documents, views, and databases into a web page. This functionality allows a web browser user to launch a Notes URL like it was a Notes doclink, view link, or database link. When a browser user clicks on a Notes URL link, it will launch the Notes client (if it wasn't already running) and will open the appropriate document, view, or database.

The feature already works in Notes 5.0 but the Notes install program does not add the entry in the Windows registry for the notes protocol handler. A customer must add this manually. In release 5.0.9, the Notes client installer will automatically add the Notes protocol handler information to the registry.