Official Tourist Information Site of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia

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The operation searches all documents on the site. You can use the logical AND, OR, AND NOT.

E.g. If you insert tricolour AND flag, the search engine will identify
documents containing both terms.

If you insert tricolour OR flag the search results will contain the first or the second term.

If you use operators AND NOT, e.g. tricolour  AND NOT flag, the results will contain the first but not the second term.
The results can be narrowed down further by specifying the relevant municipality where the engine should search for the information and possibly, particularly with reference to seasonal events, the relevant time period.

The date should be written out as follows.

E.g.: fair OR festival from 01/06/2000 to15/09/2000.

It makes no difference whether you use upper or lower case letters.
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Map of the area Mappa dei comuni della provincia di Reggio Emilia Reggio Emilia Luzzara Reggiolo Novellara Poviglio Correggio Albinea Scandiano Castellarano Gualtieri Guastalla Casalgrande Rubiera Rolo Fabbrico Rio Saliceto Campagnola Emilia Bagnolo in Piano San Martino in Rio Campegine Gattatico Quattro Castella Vezzano sul Crostolo Castelnovo Sotto Bibbiano Cavriago San Polo d'Enza Brescello Boretto Cadelbosco di Sopra Sant'Ilario d'Enza Montecchio Emilia